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Dep. Informatique & Réseaux

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April 2023


LKR.png Logic and Knowledge Representation

with             Simon Coumes     portrait.jpg         and         Zacchary Sadeddine     Zac.jpg

            other AI courses



JLD2014.jpgJean-Louis Dessalles
Dép. Informatique & Réseaux

➜ See the course description

The course is organized around weekly topics. For each topic, students connect to the relevant page on the web site. They will find some text to read, small open questions and small programming exercises that they can try on their own machine (or on the machines provided in the lab room). Your answers are recorded. For most questions, a possible solution becomes accessible after answering. Try to work on a weekly basis. Answers are no longer recorded beyond the deadline indicated for each topic.


There will be a small quiz (on paper, no documents) at the end of the course. The final quiz will consist in small short and independent exercises about Prolog, logic and other topics. Answers to lab exercises will be read and evaluated. They will contribute to the final grade (~ 40%).

(no documents, no functionning devices).


Lab sessions are in rooms equipped with machines, but your are welcome to use your own. We will be working with the free Prolog Interpreter SWI-Prolog.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions to teachers during the labs, they will there FOR YOU.


15/02/2023 ➜ 23/02/2023     Overview
15/02/2023 ➜ 08/03/2023     First steps in Prolog
        See also:    Slides lecture 1         
22/02/2023 ➜ 08/03/2023     Problem solving and Knowledge representation
        See also:    Slides lecture 2             Slides ontologies                 Watch the lecture recorded in 2023     
08/03/2023 ➜ 15/03/2023     Propositional Logic
        See also:    Slides Logic0                 Watch the lecture on BBB             Watch the lecture on Ubicast         
15/03/2023 ➜ 22/03/2023     Predicate Logic
        See also:    Slides Logic1    
            Watch the lecture on Zoom         Watch the lecture on BBB          Watch the lecture on Ubicast     
22/03/2023 ➜ 29/03/2023     Symbolic machine learning

        See also: slides: Symbolic Learning
        Watch the lecture on Zoom             Watch the lecture on Ubicast             Watch chimps learning nut cracking     

29/03/2023 ➜ 05/04/2023     Description complexity

            See also: slides: Description Complexity                     Watch the lecture (or see the local version)                  

05/04/2023 ➜ 12/04/2023     Natural language processing

            See also:    Slides: Introduction to NLP                     Watch the lecture (though it dosn’t show the slides)     

12/04/2023     Linguistic Resources and Knowledge Bases

            See also:    Slides                                  Watch the lecture     

12/04/2023     Exam     (No documents - No turned-on device)
                 Corrigé du contrôle de connaissances 2023     

   read →
PdfIcon.png     An interesting short paper on the discovery of concepts and rules in science    
Evans, J. & Rzhetsky, A. (2010). Machine science. Science, 329 (5990), 399-400.

   read →
PdfIcon.png     Interesting paper in The New Yorker on ChatGPT seen as a lossy compression of the Web    
Chiang, T. (2023). ChatGPT is a blurry JPEG of the Web. Annals of Technology - The New Yorker, Feb.                        
